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Sat, Jun 04



Time & Location

Jun 04, 2022, 10:00 AM

Waterford, 26500 Dover Line Rd, Waterford, WI 53185, USA

About the event

                                                                   CONSIGNMENTS WANTED 

BOB’S CONSIGNMENT AUCTION 26500 Dover Line Road, Waterford, WI 53185

Saturday, June 04, 2022 ·10:00 a.m.

E of Racine County Hwy 36 W of Hwy 75 On Hwy 20 to Mealy Road N to Doverline Road W on Doverline Road to site. (2nd curve) Watch for signs. 9:00 a.m.on Auction Day Food Available262-492-5125 Directions: Inspection & Registration: Auction Day Phone: See for pictures and updates

Wanted consignment of:

Farm & Industrial Machinery & Equipment

Lawn & Garden, ATVs, Snowmobiles, Campers, Trees & Nursery

Building Materials, livestock & Barn Equipment, Grain Trucks, Semi, Dump Trucks

Farm Toys, Antiques, Tools, No Cars, No Tires, No JUNK

Delivery: Wed.01 12- 5pm Thurs. 02 9:00- 5:00, Fri. 03 9:00 am – 4:00pm

Deadline for Advertising: Monday May 23.Call Bob at 262-492-5125

No Buyers Fee on Cash or Good Check payments with proper I.D. 4% Convenience fee on credit card payments. All sales are final and to be sold "AS IS" with no guarantees expressed or implied. Not responsible in case of accident or for items after sold.Terms:

Wisconsin Registered Auctioneer: Bob Hagemann, No. 509


26500 Dover Line Road, Waterford, WI 53185

SATURDAY, JUNE 04, 2022, 10:00 AM

East of Racine County. Hwy. 36 West of Hwy. 75 on Hwy. 20 to Mealy Road, then go north to Dover Line Road, then go West on Dover Line Road to Auction site. (2nd curve) Watch for signs. Farm and Industrial Tractors & Machinery, Lawn & Garden, ATVs, Snowmobiles, Campers, Trees & Nursery, Building Materials, Livestock & Barn Equipment, Grain, Semi & Dump Trucks, Farm Toys, Antiques & Collectibles, Tools, No Cars, No Tires, No JUNK. We are taking Consignments up to Friday evening, June 03, 2022 no later than 4:00 PM. Drop off times are: June 1 from 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM, June 2: from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, and June 3: from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM.  For an expansive list, pictures, & complete terms visit the or Food service available on site. “The Cookie Man (Cinnamon Rolls, Cookies, Brownies)DIRECTIONS:WANTED CONSIGNMENT OF: AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: ID #9051.Special Appearance By

Snap On tools, Blue Point tools Skil New cordless impact driver and drill driver both 20v each with one battery and a charger.TOOLS:

Rikon New cordless impact drill driver set #31-122 with two batteries, charger and carrying case. Vintage School Desk and School Bench. Dewalt 12" compound miter saw #DW 705. Delta bench grinder 6" and Jewelers Bench Buffer with air filter system. Milwaukee corded electric power tools and tool cases. Craftsman socket sets, screwdriver sets and other hand tools. Upholstery tool set with tool box, Delta 14" wood cutting band saw #28-275.

4' X 6' utility trailerTrailer:

Farm Toys:

Woods 6225 61 in cut, Box of lawn and garden spark plugs,Lawn & Garden:

99 Honda Goldwing trike 111,000 3 bicycles 2 small older outboard motors (need fix-up), Boat bumpers and anchors, 150 cane fishing poles (6 bundles - 25 in each), 3 weather proof owners manual holders, Small gun rack, Camping equipment.Sporting Goods ;

Metal watering can, Air hose, Hitch balls and couplers,& MUCH MORE. Check The Web for updatesMISC:

Bob Hagemann, Wisconsin Registered Auctioneer No. 509. No Buyers Fee on Cash or Good Check payments with proper I.D. 4% Convenience fee on credit card payments. All sales are final and to be sold "AS IS" with no guarantees expressed or implied. Not responsible in case of accident or for items after sold.AUCTIONEER:TERMS:

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