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Sun, Oct 30



Time & Location

Oct 30, 2022, 10:00 AM

Waterford, 26500 Dover Line Rd, Waterford, WI 53185, USA

About the event


26500 Dover Line Road, Waterford, WI 53185

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2022, 10:00 AM

E of Racine County. Hwy. 36 W of Hwy. 75 on Hwy. 20 to Mealy Rd, N to Dover Line Road, W. on Dover Line Rd to Auction site. (2nd curve) Watch for signs.DIRECTIONS:

: Dave Was involved in the Home Remodeling & Cabinetry Business for 50 years. Here are a few High Lights But not limited to many great deals to get come spend a few hours with us. #9051     AUCTIONEER'S NOTESee the pictures at

Cabinets-Kitchen & Bath, New Cabinets & Displays, Display Racks & Walls-Several Types, Quartz Counter Top, Cabinet Hardware Rack, Granite Quartz Samples for Crafts, Wood Storage Racks-8' long x 9' high, Variety of-Wood Molding, Crown, Base, Casing, Trim, Panels, Wood Door Slabs, Oak Display Cabinet, Cabinet Accessories & Parts, Floor Tile, Wall Tile, Blanco Sink, Sinks, Towel Bars, Grab Bars, Faucets, Drains, Oak Flooring, Roof Vents 4000 W Gas Generator, 24' Type A Fiberglass Ext. Ladder, Filing Cabinets-2 Drawer & Lateral, Paslode Framing and Finishing Guns, Electric Sheet Metal Sheers, Electric Cement Board Sheers, Air Finish Guns, Air Roofing Nailer, 1/2” Right Angle Drill, Extension Poles, Extension Cords, Come-a-long Jack, Ryobi Cordless Tools, Plumbing Supplies & Parts, PVC Fittings, Pipe Insulation, HVAC Ducts, Fittings, Vents, Electric Boxes & Fittings, 2 Wheel Tank Dolly, Air Hoses, Misc. Tools Acer 24” Computer Monitor, Electric Room Heater, Office Supplies and Fixtures, Antiques Chairs, Picnic and Work Coolers, Antique Upholstered Chair, Hall Tree Rack, Popcorn Popper, Rolling Cart, Kitchen Table & Chairs, Rolling Wood Storage Cabinet, Christmas Decorations, Oak Dresser & Night Stand, Oak Frame Mirror, Kirby Vacuum on Cash or Good Check & 4% Convenience Fee on Credit Card payments. All purchases are final, sold "AS IS" with no guarantees, and must be settled for on day of sale. Not responsible in case of accident or for items after sold. Bob Hagemann, No. 509Cabinet:Tools & Equipment: Office: AND MUCH MORE. TERMS: NO BUYER'S FEERegistered Wisconsin Auctioneers:

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